When trying to discover the world’s greatest land based casinos plus online options, it’s good to know how they came about and which ones have the most historied pasts. The word casino actually has origins in Italy. It was in the eighteen hundreds that the word casino went from meaning a social public building to a place where things like gambling, music, dancing, and sports took place. In modern Italy, the word is specifically talking about a bordello.
The first casinos didn’t start out as places for gaming. One might find that interesting if they are trying to discover the world’s greatest land based casinos plus online options. Sometimes, by the time a casino was built, gambling in that area would have already been outlawed. This was the case for Catalina Casino in California. Some casinos were built as theaters instead.
Before the word casino was invented, there were still gambling houses throughout history. The Greeks and Romans had them thousands of years ago as did the French and the English in more recent times. Venice saw its first land based casino in sixteen thirty eight. It was made so that the government could control the gambling activities of its citizens during the festival season when the carnival was on.
Land Based Casinos Present Day
It is common knowledge that many of the biggest and best land based casinos are in the United States, including Las Vegas, but there are several areas around the world that also have many casinos.
To discover the world’s greatest land based casinos plus online options, it is beneficial to know which regions of the planet have the most casinos that bring in revenue over one billion US dollars per year. The biggest market is France. France has a total of one hundred and eighty nine land based casinos that fall under these criteria. The second largest market is the United Kingdom with a total of one hundred and forty four casinos. After that is Las Vegas in the United States. This market has a total of one hundred and twenty two casinos. The next is Germany. Germany has significantly less at seventy six casinos.
The top land based casino markets in the United States include the Last Vegas Strip, Atlantic City, the Chicago region, Connecticut, Detroit, and St. Louis. This is something to consider when trying to discover the world’s greatest land based casinos plus online options.
Online Casinos
Online casinos differ from land based casinos in that there is no physical location that a player has to frequent. The player can simply sit down at their computer or pull out a mobile device in order to play the games.
Many sites undergo licensing and rigorous testing to ensure that the player feels safe from fraud while playing at their casino. Random number generators are also an important element in online casinos and a player must check an online casino’s and land based casino’s certifications when working to discover the world’s greatest land based casinos plus online options.